DNA sequencing

Check out the recent highlight of Our Nano letters paper featured in Advance in Engineering

Surfing the Nano Wave: Dramatic Leap in DNA Sensing with Surfactant-Coated Nanopores

The online platform of Advances in Engineering has showcased our recent Nano Letters article, titled  "Over 30-Fold Enhancement in DNA Translocation Dynamics through Nanoscale Pores Coated with an Anionic Surfactant''. 

Read the highlight here

Read the paper here

Prof. Meller delivered the Joan van der Waals colloquium in Leiden University

On October 26, 2018, Prof. Meller delivered the Joan van der Waals colloquium in the Department of Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands. The broadly accessed colloquium was entitled “Nanopore bio-sensing: past, present and future” and covered over 20 years of nanopore research towards DNA sequencing as well as recent developments leading to
